Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Domestication? One point for me.

So. I attempted to make Chili today. I spent last night on the internet just looking at recipes, getting an idea of what to put in it. And, I have to say, even though I didn't follow a recipe exactly, it turned out pretty darn good. I guess I'll write it down, so anyone can give me input, if you'd like.

1 jar of Grandma's canned tomatoes
1 lb ground chicken (I didn't have ground beef, but I'm sure that would taste better.)
1/2 medium onion, diced.
1 can chili beans
1/2 cup lentils (I think that more would be ok, I just wasn't sure how it'd work...)
Chili powder, salt, pepper & Ground Cumin to taste

Brown the beef/chicken. add onion, salt and pepper. Combine ingredients in crock pot (or pot) and cook for 1/2 an hour or all day if you want ^_^

It seemed to work pretty good. Kyle enjoyed it. and so did my friend Celis... Plus, I made cornbread muffins to go with it. De-lish!

Other than that. Today was pretty good. Slept 'til 10:30. Showered. Put together the Chili. Went out for lunch with my friend Laura (Olive Garden: Soup, Salad and Breadsticks. YUM!) Groceries/Shopko visit with Kyle. We got Princess temporary tattoos! It was exciting. ^_^ And. Candy to eat while being alone. And a puzzle. which we are half done with. It's pretty. and I'm gonna put puzzle glue on it, and hang it up. :) I'm excited. Oh! And I got a hat. With ear flaps. I love clearance. $5. and It's super warm (and apparently cute! Although I think I look awful in hats. lol.)

But. That was my day. I don't think I'll go to bed 'til we're a lot closer to finished with the puzzle. I'm sure it'll be done tomorrow! I'm so excited!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

3 weeks down... how many more?!

Well. It's Tuesday.

It's officially been 3 weeks since Carl pulled out of Pearl Harbor on deployment. Don't really know how I feel about this, other than the fact that it really sucks that my heart is pulled in a million different directions right now. I kinda want to go back home (which isn't an option 'til Carl's brother leaves for England since he's staying here) so I can be closer to friends and my immediate family. But. Carl's in Thailand right now (pulled in yesterday), Bethany's in Madrid (I'm so jealous! lol.) and Missy's in Colorado. It's like, I don't know what to do with myself, I feel so left behind and alone. I guess I shouldn't, but I do.

Plus, I ended up in the hospital again last week since my blood sugars haven't been as normal as they should be. I figured out, however, that my doctors when I was growing up didn't explain to me the correct way to keep my insulin in line. So, hopefully that's the only problem I've been having, and I can keep things under control now. I'm so tired of hospital visits. I've been there too many times, because the nurses have started recognizing me. Oh well. Not again. at least, that's the goal.
But it was definitely a first for some things this visit. 1. I was awake/conscious when they put the catheter in... 2. They put a central line in. which involved stitches and 3 iv's in my neck. Which resulted in having to wear a yellowed bandage on my neck for 72 hours. It was gross. But I finally took it off today! at 3. I counted down the seconds. 3. First time being alone and capable of my own health decisions without input from others.
And it's nice to be out.

I worked yesterday and today. I get tomorrow off, and then work Thursday-Sunday. Its nice to have stuff to do, but I still have all afternoon off, and never know what to do with myself!! I'm working on being a mentor for a high school kid with diabetes. I'm really excited about it, cause it would definitely look amazing on a resume, plus, I think I can use the support as much as she can. So, we'll see where that goes.

I think I'm gonna wrap this up, and go sit down and knit. Working on a scarf before Kyle goes to England! Hopefully I can get it done!!